Origins 1971 Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Origins 1971: Origins 1971 catalogue collection book 2016 9092, стр 42 с 191

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una tipologia d’arredo tra-
sversale, fra la sedia e la
poltroncina, con uno schie-
nale di grandi dimensioni
che accentua la presenza
della seduta nell’ambiente,
pur senza risultare pesante
né eccessivo. la possibilità
di interpretare ruoli impegna-
tivi da protagonista, è accen-
tuata dalla scelta fra diversi
colori e rivestimenti, anche
con abbinamenti inconsueti.
a versatile furniture type,
midway between chair and
small armchair, with a large-
sized back which accentua-
tes the presence of the seat
in the room, without heavi-
ness or excess. the possi-
bility of interpreting difficult
lead roles is emphasised
by the choice from among
different colours and uphol-
steries, also with unusual
a versatile furniture type,
midway between chair and
small armchair, with a large-
sized back which accentua-
tes the presence of the seat
in the room, without heavi-
ness or excess. the possi-
bility of interpreting difficult
lead roles is emphasised
by the choice from among
different colours and uphol-
steries, also with unusual
ein anpassungsfähiges
möbel zwischen stuhl und
sessel, mit großflächiger
rückenlehne, das sich
im raum bemerkbar
macht, aber weder schwer
noch aufdringlich wirkt.
die wichtige rolle in
der charakterisierung
von räumen wird durch
die auswahl an farben
und bezügen, auch
in ungewöhnlichen
Kombinationen, weiter
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