ElEgant mirrors with finEly-carvEd woodEn framEs and with rEfinEd, prEcious
dEtails: of silvEr and gold lEaf, with dEcaporo or purE gold finish, with antiquEd
gilt or patina or in makassar Ebony. or paintEd in diffErEnt ways. plus pEdEstals of
mahogany and gold, oak or myrtlE briar, thEmsElvEs EnrichEd with dEtails of gold
or with antiquEd flutEd mirrors. thEsE arE uniquE, important itEms, prEcious
additions to thE homE and of an intimatEly classical flavour
spEcchiErE dallE cornici in lEgno, finEmEntE intagliatE, dallE finiturE raffinatE
E prEziosE: in foglia oro E argEnto, con finitura dEcaporo o in oro zEcchino, con
doraturE anticatE o patinatE o in Ebano makassar. oppurE propostE con
laccaturE divErsE. E poi colonnE in mogano E oro, rovErE o radica di mirto,
anchE arricchitE da dEttagli dorati oppurE con spEcchio scanalato anticato.
pEzzi unici Ed importanti, complEmEnti prEziosi dal saporE intimamEntE classico