OAK Италия Срок поставки 90 дней

Каталог OAK: Milano Collection, стр 17 с 97

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SC5033 Capotavola in frassino tinto nero rivestita in velluto. SC5003 Consolle in Ebano Green finitura brillante con base e
maniglie in metallo bronzato, dettagli rivestiti in pelle disegno galouchat. Nella pagina accanto dettaglio del rivestimento in
pelle della consolle SC5003.
SC5033 Chair with armrests in black stained ash wood, covered with velvet. SC5003 Green Ebony console, brilliant finishing, with
bronzed metal base and handles, details covered with leather with galouchat pattern. On the opposite page: detail of the leather
covering of console SC5003.