BLU DI PRUSSIA (Cyan 63, Magenta 35, Yellow 14, Black 72)
GIALLO DI CADMIO (Cyan 0, Magenta 22, Yellow 100, Black 4)
MyHome-Catalogo-009-224-2019.indd 12
29/11/19 13:35
IKB (International Klein Blue) is a particular
shade of ultramarine blue invented by the
French artist Yves Klein, who after arriving
at the formulation of this color and its use in
monochrome paintings, was able to patent the
hue in May 1960. The very pure blue pigment
used in the mixing of IKB did not lose its natural
brightness, thanks to a synthetic resin normally
employed as a binder, which Klein diluted in a
solution of ethyl alcohol and ethyl acetate.
Thus blended, the resin became an excellent
binder for the pigment, and was particularly
suited to the ultramarine blue, allowing it to
conserve its full force. Klein found exactly what
he was seeking in the color blue: infinity, peace,
contemplation, unification of sky and sea.
Blue as the color of infinite space, which in its
inestimable vastness can contain everything.
MyColors: IKB
“I adopt the cause of color oppressed by
the line and all its consequences: contours,
forms, composition. All paintings of whatever
sort, figurative or abstract, seem to me like
prison windows in which precisely the lines
are the bars.”
Yves Klein (Nice, 1928 – Paris, 1962)
BLU DI PRUSSIA (Cyan 63, Magenta 35, Yellow 14, Black 72)
GIALLO DI CADMIO (Cyan 0, Magenta 22, Yellow 100, Black 4)
MyHome-Catalogo-009-224-2019.indd 13
26/11/19 09:26