Moroso Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Moroso: Cat 2017 Vol.2 Single Seats, стр 306 с 352

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Moroso vol 2/3 Single seats + Accessories

Un tavolo per la casa, per l’ufficio, per il bar.
Due le versioni del piano, circolare e “squircle”,
una parola che fonde square, quadrato - con circle,
cerchio. Disponibile in diversi misure e altezze è proposto
in un’ampia gamma di finiture e materiali.

Tavoli. Piano in laminato Abet® di diverse
dimensioni e altezze, quadrati e tondi. Base in acciaio
verniciato; sottopiedi in polipropilene.

A table for the home, for the office, for the bar.
There are two types of top: round and “squircle”,
a new word, a combination of “square” and “circle”.
Available in several sizes and heights it also comes
in a wide range of finishes and materials.

Tables. Tops are in Abet® laminate with aluminum
band edges. Base is tubular steel with powder coat finish
in same colors as tops; polypropylene glides.
Design Monica Armani — 2012
cod. R01
ø70x60-72h - ø80x60-72h - ø90x60-72h
Laminate top table / Base colours
406 white
traffic white
RAL 9003
479 agata
grey Abet /
agata grey
RAL 7038
431 red
Abet /
orient red
RAL 3031
421 black
Abet /
RAL 9005
421 black
Abet /
RAL 9005