La collezione P47 vive benissimo anche gli ambienti
tecnici, a cui offre sedute larghe, fresche e molto
comode, senza rinunciare alla ricercatezza dei dettagli.
The P47 collection also exists very well in commercial
environments, to which it offers wide, fresh and very
comfortable seats, without sacrificing the refinement
of details.
P47 APA GX TS-CU acciaio EN, cuoio toscano C3N4, tessuto second T9N4
P47 B2 M TS acciaio EN, tessuto second T9N4
P47 AP GX TS-CU acciaio EN, cuoio toscano C3N4, tessuto second T9N4
P47 P GX TS-CU acciaio E1, cuoio TK C2BC, tessuto oceanic TEBC
P47 DP TS-CU acciaio E9, cuoio TK C2VK, tessuto oceanic TEVK
P47 SG TS-CU acciaio E8, cuoio TK C2R4, tessuto oceanic TER3
P47 DPA GX TS-CU acciaio EN, cuoio toscano C3N4, tessuto second T9N4
P47 APA GX TS-CU EN steel, C3N4 tuscan hide, T9N4 second fabrc
P47 B2 M TS EN steel, T9N4 second fabric
P47 AP GX TS-CU EN steel, C3N4 tuscan hide, T9N4 second fabric
P47 P GX TS-CU E1 steel, C2BC TK hide, TEBC oceanic fabric
P47 DP TS-CU E9 steel, C2VK TK hide, TEVK oceanic fabric
P47 SG TS-CU E8 steel, C2R4 TK hide, TER3 oceanic fabric
P47 DPA GX TS-CU EN steel, C3N4 tuscan hide, T9N4 second fabric