WTC Lamp (2001)
Due torri unite da un cuore. Sono quelle del World
Trade Center a New York la cui tragedia e’ ricordata da
questo piccolo ogge� o luminoso.
Gaetano Pesce, al tempo dell’a� o terroris� co, fi sso’
in quest’opera la sua opinione: la miglior risposta
ad un gesto distru� vo, reazionario e meschino
consiste in un’espressione o� mis� ca che guarda al
futuro. Per questo uso’ la forma del cuore, simbolo
universalmente riconosciuto per la sua posi� vita’ e
anche metafora dell’amore per New York.
WTC Lamp (2001)
Two towers connected by a heart. It’s those of the
World Trade Center in New York whose tragedy is
remembered by this small bright object.
Gaetano Pesce, at � me of the terrorist act, fi xed in this
work his opinion: the best response to a destruc� ve
reac� onary and pe� y act, is an op� mis� c expression
that heads to the future. For this he used a heart’s
shape, a symbol universally recognized for its posi� vity
and also as a metaphor of his love for New York.