Magis Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Magis: Contract Book 2022, стр 58 с 59

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all rights reserved
No part of this publication may be re-
produced, stored in a retrieval system
or transmitted, in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, pho-
tocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the prior permission of Magis
Magis reserves the right to introduce
any changes to its own models, wi-
thout prior notice.
graphic design
Magis Lab
Claire Lavabre / Studio Bouroullec
/ Tonio Manfredi / OSLO Design
Studio / Steve Woodburn & Alex
Wong / i29 architects / Ipotz Studio
/ Nikos Alexopoulos / Igor Karpen-
ko / Andreas Keller / Dmitry Che-
banenko / Simon Schwyzer / Dino
Frittoli /Zsolt Batár / Takumi Ota /
Hjgher / Steffen Beck / Tamás Buj-
novszky / Roberto Lepore / Nicola
Morittu / Massimo Sormonta / Yian-
nis Hadjiaslanis / Nikiforos Stame-
nis / Tom D. Morgan / Andrea Mar-
tiradonna / Louise Melchior / Greta
Costeri / Andrea Bartolozzi / Alber-
to Strada / Kjetil Gudem / Fabian
Frinzel / Bento Fotógrafo / Kevin
Wu / Stefan Haehnel / Kami Blusch
/ Martina Scaravati / Alberto Mon-
teagudo / Nacåsa & Partners / Oli-
ver Jaist / Paolo Cavalli / Christian
B. / Gatis Rozenfelds / Martina Bo-
netti / Marco Zanta
colour separation and
printed in Italy by
OGM, Padova
© Magis Spa 2022
* Please note that some product fi-
nishes within the projects may not
be available in the price list as they
are customized. For more informa-
tion do not hesitate to contact us at
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