Lithos Design Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Lithos Design: Design 2023, стр 53 с 155

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Exotic and luxuriant
Here is a model of stone design panel brimming
with energy, thanks to decorations that bring to
mind the thick lush leaves of tropical rainforests.
The design particularly emphasises the game of
lights and shadows, instinctively catching the eye
and bewitching it.
Tropico in gris st pierre
Tropico in gris st pierre
Wellness centre, Weybridge
Centro benessere, Weybridge
cm 60x60x2
cm 120x60x2
23 5/8”x23 5/8”x25/32”
47 1/4”x23 5/8”x25/32”
Esotico e lussureggiante
Ecco un rivestimento di design in pietra vibrante
di energia, grazie a decori che richiamano alla
mente le fitte e carnose foglie di foreste tropicali.
Il design esalta particolarmente il gioco di luci e
ombre, attira istintivamente gli sguardi e li ammalia.