Listone Giordano Италия Срок поставки 80 дней

Каталог Listone Giordano: Natural genius, стр 21 с 61

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Matteo Nunziati set up his studio in Milan in 2000. Studio Nunziati
focuses on architecture for interiors and design by working with top
companies in the fields of furniture, lighting and objects. Specialised
in designing luxury hotels, spas and residential projects, he obtained
various prestigious awards, including: the 2011 Chicago Good Design
Award - USA, the 2011 Wallpaper Design Award - UK, the 2013 Cityscape
Award – Saudi Arabia for the best architectural project.
He created and currently creates projects in Italy, Switzerland,
Poland, the UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the Maldives and China.
Since 2004 he has been teaching in design institutes and schools such
as the National Taipei University of Technology in Taiwan and the IDI
Interior Design Institute in Milan.
In 2006 he was selected as part of the most representative
international designers from 1954 to 2006 for the “50+2y Italian design”
exhibition in Beijing. His projects are published in top Italian and
international trade magazines.
Matteo Nunziati apre nel 2000 il suo studio a Milano. Lo Studio Nunziati 
si occupa di architettura di interni e design collaborando con importanti 
aziende nel campo del mobile, dell’illuminazione e dell’oggettistica. 
Specializzato nella progettazione di luxury hotels, wellness center, spa e 
progetti residenziali ha ottenuto diversi riconoscimenti prestigiosi, tra cui:
Good Design Award 2011 Chicago - USA, Wallpaper Design Award 2011- 
Regno Unito, Cityscape Award 2013 – Saudi Arabia per il miglior Progetto 
Ha realizzato ed ha in corso di realizzazione progetti in Italia, Svizzera,
Polonia, Emirati Arabi Uniti, Qatar, Arabia Saudita, Kuwait, Maldive, Cina. 
Dal 2004 svolge attività didattica per istituti e scuole di design quali il 
National Taipei University of Technology di Taiwan e IDI Interior Design 
Institute di Milano.
Nel 2006 viene selezionato tra i progettisti più rappresentativi del
design internazionale dal 1954 al 2006 per la mostra “50+2y Italian 
design” a Pechino. I suoi progetti sono pubblicati sulle maggiori riviste di 
settore italiane ed internazionali.
designer Matteo Nunziati