Legnoform Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Legnoform: General old, стр 68 с 218

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cod. 5-30 Alder fi nitura
Veneziana con piattabanda verde
capitello timpano interrotto
coprifi li standard.
code 5-30 Alder Veneziana fi nish
with green platband - Broken gable
doorhead with standard casings.
cod. 6-14 Alder fi nitura Veneziana con piattabanda azzurra capitello
centinato - coprifi li standard.
code 6-14 Alder Veneziana fi nish with light blue platband - Bowed doorhead
with standard casings.
cod. 2-14 Alder fi nitura Veneziana con piattabanda ocra
capitello timpano - coprifi li standard.
code 2-14 Alder Veneziana fi nish with ochre platband - Gable
doorhead with standard casings.