Le Fablier today is a leading company, a miracle of the “made in
Italy” increasingly aiming at new markets. The quality of its furniture
has been recognized both in Italy and abroad.
Modern and caring company, Le Fablier holds since 1999 the quality
certification UNI EN ISO 9001:2000, the environmental certification
UNI EN ISO 14001:2004, the certification SA 8000:2008 for Social
Responsibility and the certification of quality and health GOSST -R.
Le Fablier furniture are made with the finest woods from managed
forest areas and are processed by the hands of local artisans, wood-
carvers, cabinet makers, turners, polishers, many of whom work for the
company since the beginning. Real artists, who carefully follow all
phases of the construction of each piece, which then is fire-branded to
ensure its authenticity.
Many design experts work with Le Fablier, like the architects De Strobel,
Silvestrini, Manzoni and Pradella, designing collections extremely
contemporary dedicated to cool and dynamic rooms.
Facts and numbers: The great results so far obtained are also
due to all the employees and co-workers of the plant of Valeggio
sul Mincio, where the average age is 33 years, latter data shows
how Fablier believes in talent and creativity of young people and
the invaluable contribution they can give to the company.
Young are also the customers of Le Fablier’s products: 60% of
those who buy the furniture of the group, in fact, has an average
age between 25 and 35 years.