Beneath the level of the street, the
fascinating remains of Roman villas and
mosaics have come to light, giving a
glimpse of the magnificence of Verona's
Roman past. For a journey back in time
a visit to the Scavi Scaligeri or the Villa
at Valdonega is an absolute must. The
rule of the Scaligeri transformed
Verona's appearance, with its
fortifications, the beautiful
Castelvecchio and its nearby Ponte
Scaligero, Cangrande's palace and
other palaces of the Della Scala Family
(Lords of Verona), the Domus
Mercatorum and Piazza Erbe and last
but not least, their splendid intricate
funerary monuments, the "Arche
Even the period of Venetian domination
has left its mark on the city - the palaces
of its nobles, the art-works of its great
painters in the Castelvecchio Museum
and the churches of the city. The
Renaissance Palaces of noble families
line the streets - Palazzo della Gran
Guardia, Palazzo Pompei, Palazzo Maffei,
the "Loggia del Consiglio" and the Domus
Nova in Piazza dei Signori ("Lords'