e fablier is since the beginning of time an aware and complete reality, dynamic and enterprising , with
stylistic and always innovative solutions.
Our operative team, made of architects, designers, technicians and high level practitioners, cooperate
constantly with the customer, through a synergy which is able to satisfy each kind of expectations : from
the simplier pannelling, till hotels and spa turn-keys complete furnishing, rather than governative missions.
Class style and quality are talents which lead us in research and selection of materials, in solutions and
proposals which are highly customized.
From this philosophy it rises our tailored division, where each of your deisre, wish or simple whim fi nds a
professional welcome aimed to the realization of pure elegance and refi ned taste, where each single detail
fi nds its proper placement.
Dream about your own wish, we are here to make it come true
Tailor made
Tailor made
Tailor made