Nato nel 1970, Robert Hromec consegue il
diploma in Pittura all’Hunter College di New
York e in Incisione al City College di New York.
Studia Belle Arti presso l’Istituto Pratt e lavora
al Metropolitan Museum of Art di New York.
Durante il suo soggiorno di otto anni a New York,
Hromec sperimenta varie tecniche artistiche fino
a raggiungere un suo proprio linguaggio artistico,
che chiama “printpainting”. L’illusione ottica
svolge un ruolo importante nei suoi lavori. Il
suo pluripremiato lavoro è stato esposto in oltre
Settanta mostre negli Stati Uniti, Canada ed Europa.
Robert Hromec, born in 1970, received his
MFA degree in painting from Hunter College
in New York and his BA degree in printmaking
from The City College of New York. He studied
Fine Arts at the Pratt Institute and works at the
Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
During his eight-year stay in New York, Hromec
experiments with various artistic techniques until
he reaches his own artistic language, which he
calls “printpainting”. The optical illusion plays an
important role in his works. His award-winning
work has been shown in over seventy exhibitions
in the United States, Canada and Europe.