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Каталог Latorre: Classic Atelier 2024, стр 39 с 73

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Un claro exponente de nuestros clásicos de
vanguardia. Junto a las colecciones Charles,
New Charles, Simpson, Morrison y otras,
evolucionan desde un concepto tradicional
clásico hacia otro que en principio parecería
antagónico, si no fuera porque maridan
perfectamente conjugando terciopelos, tallas,
tachuelas y pieles con texturas y gamas
cromáticas absolutamente contemporáneas.
A clear example of our avant-garde classics.
Together with the Charles, New Charles,
Simpson, Morrison and other collections,
they evolve from a traditional classic
concept towards another that at first sight
would seem antagonistic, were it not for the
fact that they perfectly combine velvets,
carvings, studs and leathers with absolutely
contemporary textures and chromatic ranges.
Marriott _ Guillermo T
Marriott Rectangular Coffee Table.
Classic Atelier