_The project of your dreams not yet realized?
Every day you invent something. A project I want to do is to draw women at the hairdresser. When I was little
my mom was used to take me to the hairdresser, and in my memory I have this image of beautiful women, all
in a row, chatting while under the hairdryer.
_Therefore woman appeals to you, I see that they appear frequently in your pictures?
Yes, woman is a subject that fascinates me. I did an installation of nudes in Madrid. I captured moments
coming from the experience with recycled materials and I painted with pencil, linseed oil, turpentine and indigo,
in order to represent the beauty of women.
_Finally, I see that you use recycled materials and objects belonging to the territory, are you
seeking to revive the past?
Not only the past but the present. For example when I enter into a factory and I see the cycles of production I
think about how to develop a new project. Once a company made defective ceramic moulds representing a rabbit.
I took all these rabbits and I made an installation at the “Loggia”of Asolo . I filled all the space with these
moulds, wrapped all the rabbits in the yellow net of the lemon tree, created a colourful carpet with polymer
scraps in order to recreate a field of flowers, covered all the “Loggia” in yellow and when the show was over, all
the children could take home the rabbits.