How was the project “Travel notes” born?
We felt the need to gather all our world in a project. We wan-
ted to create something valuable, something that belongs to
us and to place it in a book that tells our emotions and the
way we make things that distinguish Lago’s creations from
the others.
We think it is very important to transmit the values that ac-
company our projects, born on social needs and for this rea-
son unique: as unique as the notes that each trip leaves in our
Why is it called “Travel notes”?
We believe that we cannot any more talk about trends that
identify a kind, for example a classic style rather than a mo-
dern one or, as is fashionable in this period, contemporary,
but we talk about a situation much more global and complex,
and for this reason attributable to elements not only of inte-
rior decoration but of our daily life.
We believe that every piece of furniture, every single item we
have at home tells a story from our lives and this will enrich
us every day. The choice of that colour in a given time rather
than the position of the furniture tells us about our state of
mind in a specific situation, in the same way an image or a
memory bring us back to every trip we make, trip meant in
the fullest interior sense of the term.