Sound attenuation
Suspended ceilings are often chosen due to their high flexibility.
Working with modular separation walls that only reach to the suspended ceiling, sound
isolation between adjacent rooms can be inadequate.
Without extra measures, traditional suspended ceilings offer insufficient sound attenuation
from room to room.
The sound attenuation between adjacent rooms is measured according EN20140-9 and
EN150717/1 and is expressed as Dn,c,w in dB.
Sound attenuation up to 47 dB
Standard acoustic fleece
Optional sealed mineral wool inlay
Optional gypsum inlay 9.5/12.5mm
Sound absorption
Sound absorption is the ability of a surface to absorb sound, minimizing sound reflection in
the room.
Reflected sounds create undesired and uncomfortable reverberations throughout the area
and will ultimately increase the perceived sound level.
Kreon suspended ceilings are an important factor in reducing these undesired reflections
through the use of sound absorbing materials, combined with the perforations in the ceiling
allowing the sound to pass through.
The sound absorption coefficient αW is the fraction of the total sound that is absorbed by the
suspended ceiling. The remaining unabsorbed fraction is reflected back into the room.
The sound absorption coefficient has a value between 0,0 (no absorption - all the sound is
reflected) and 1,0 (complete absorption - equivalent to an open window).
The absorption factor is measured according EN20354:2003 and EN11654:1997
Kreon ceilings are available in different perforations equipped with an acoustic fleece. Shrink-
wrapped wool inlays are available as an option to further improve the acoustic performance.
The absorption factor for different combinations of perforations and acoustic options ranges
from 0,45 (standard perforation, 100mm non-perfo border, acoustic fleece) to 1,00 (standard
perforation, full-perfo field, sealed mineral wool inlay)
Absorption factor 0,45 – 1,00
Different perforation types and perforation fields
Standard acoustic fleece
Optional sealed mineral wool inlay
Acoustics: sound absorption & sound attenuation