Piero Lissoni — Collection 2022
“When the Panoramic Sofa, Low Table
and Matic Credenzas and Storage Units were
taking shape I imagined them as presences of
the same environment. The Panoramic Sofa,
fluid-shaped, friendly-natured, marked by
asymmetry: a being that silently strolls on four
legs. The others, super-architectonic, marked by
purity, with a strong calling for rigour: true lovers
of exactness. Identities that are different and
risky, but inclined to elegance; autonomous, but
capable of living well together and, together, of
creating surprising effects. Pieces that, to me,
seem consistent with a catalogue like Knoll’s, for
which space is a sort of vertical/horizontal city,
a complex and well-ordered organism, able to
incorporate quite diverse parts.”
Piero Lissoni
Modern Always®