Knoll Соединенные Штаты Америки Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Knoll: Contemporary Collections Vol.2 2021, стр 61 с 119

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Piero Lissoni — Grasshopper Table
114 −
Modern Always®
Knoll. The Original Design
The round or rectangular surfaces
of the Grasshopper table stand
out for their slimness, while the
structure is formed by very thin,
high-performance cast steel
Les surfaces rondes ou
rectangulaires de la table
Grasshopper se distinguent par
leurs lignes élancées, tandis que
la structure se compose
d’éléments ultra fins en acier
haute performance.
Grasshopper Table
Piero Lissoni, 2017
Tulip Chairs
Eero Saarinen, 1957
Le superfici tonde o rettangolari
del tavolo Grasshopper sono
caratterizzate da spessori
estremamente sottili mentre la
esile struttura è realizzata con
elementi in acciaio ad elevate
Die runden oder rechteckigen
Oberflächen von Grasshopper
Tisch wirken besonders grazil,
während die Konstruktion aus
schlanken, gusseisernen
Elementen besteht.