Knikerboker nasce dopo anni di esperienza nel campo della moda,
il cui obiettivo principale era la ricerca dell’eleganza e raffinatezza tipiche del Made in Italy.
E’ dal connubio tra queste due sfere che nasce Knikerboker, il cui concetto distintivo è
rappresentato dall’enfasi che l’azienda mette nei progetti delle sue collezioni, composte
non semplicemente da lampade ma da sculture luminose uniche, mescolando diverse
sfere della creatività: arte, moda e design.
Riflesso e rifrazione creano un’atmosfera di suggestione, caratterizzata da una intrinseca
eleganza, nella quale le ombre, i riflessi e i bagliori offrono soluzioni adatte ad ogni tipo
di arredamento.
Knikerboker was born after many years of experience in the field of fashion, whose
principal aim was the research for elegance and refinement typical of Made in Italy.
It is from the union between these two universes that Knikerboker borns, whose
distinctive concept is represented by the emphasis that the company puts on the
projects of its collections, made not only of lamps but also of unique lighting sculptures,
blending different spheres of creativity: art, fashion and design.
Reflection and refraction create atmospheres of suggestion, characterized by a
physical and intrinsic elegance, where shadows, glares and flares offer solutions suitable
to any kind of furnishing needs.
Ursprünglich der Modebranche entsprungen, steht die Fa.
Knikerboker heute für Leuchten, die von Eleganz und Raffinesse, typische Merkmale
in der Modewelt für Made in Italy, geprägt sind.
Die Verbindung der beiden Welten, aus denen die Fa. Knikerboker entstand,
hat dazu geführt, dass sich die Kollektionen nicht aus Leuchten zusammensetzen,
sondern aus einzigartigen Lichtskulpturen, in denen sich verschiedene Bereiche der
Kreativität: Kunst, Mode und Design mischen.
Durch ihre faszinierend elegante Optik und ihr unglaublich atmosphärisches Licht
kommen die Designobjekte in jeder Art von Einrichtung zur Geltung.