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2022 dictionary. After long
months of adversity that have
changed the world, we need to
develop a more medium-term
perspective. What lies ahead?
We must rely on our present
strength and our determination
to innovate, and use them to
adapt our approach in future,
to keep pace with social and
market changes without losing
our identity.
There will be so much beauty
and so much desire to create
new products destined to be-
come new design icons, win
prestigious awards and play an
essential role in our custom-
ers’ lives.
There will be technological
innovation too, the result of
continuous research into ever
more advanced industrial pro-
There will be new stores, all
beautiful and many large, in
prestigious areas of major
There will be old stores to
modernise and bring into line
with Kartell’s evolving, con-
temporary image. There will
be a clear focus on the digi-
tal world and on the contract
sector, plus a commitment to
developing some of our most
adapting them, in a series of
gradual steps, to more sustain-
able parameters.
Behind it all, there will be
our family, the third genera-
tion of which is already play-
ing a key role in management,
contributing new ideas and
promoting more direct, per-
sonal relations with staff and
customers. Our family is not
just our capital but the face
of our business, the face of a