IMAS hAS over fIfty yeArS of lIghtIng MAnufActurIng experIence, we Are locAted A few kIloMetreS out of florence, In lAStrA
A SIgnA. we offerS our cuStoMerS A wIde rAnge of Indoor And outdoor lIghtIng productS froM clASSIc to Modern Style.
IMAS’S reputAtIon IS well known worldwIde for theIr hAnd crAftIng And detAIled hAndIwork proceSSeS.
theSe IncentIveS Are the drIvIng force for uS to wIden the rAnge of our hIghly vAlued productS And creAte A greAt deMAnd
both nAtIonwIde And overSeAS.
ModelS Are AccurAtely And perSonAlly choSen by the clIentS, who Are AlwAyS An ActIve pArtIcIpAnt In the productIon
cycleS. IMAS’S evIdence of contInuIty And theIr deterMInAtIon to not let the tuScAny fAr-off world technologIeS And
MethodS dISAppeAr In todAy’S world. the IndIvIduAl InvolveMent on eAch productIon phASe dIStInguISheS our product froM
A typIcAlly InduStrIAl productIon. our hIghly-quAlIfIed decorAtorS plAy A leAdIng role In enSurIng thAt every cerAMIc
product’S decorAtIon IS IndIvIduAlly MAde pIece by pIece regArdleSS of how IntrIcAte the pAttern IS.
IMAS utIlIzeS the hIgheSt quAlIty of A vArIety of MAterIAlS IncludIng cerAMIc, wrought Iron, glASS And cryStAl.
IMAS’S purSuIt of detAIlS In the entIre productIon IS A contrIbutIng feAture coMe to be Strongly ApprecIAted by our
vArIegAted And regulAr cuStoMerS.