What would you say is Grupa’s design philosophy?
Light affects people in numerous ways.
We don’t just design how our lamps look and
function, we also design how they feel. This is why
we approach every segment of a project as a friend
that keeps asking “how do you feel”? This is because
by designing lighting objects, we design the mood.
How it disperses light, how it feels under the fingers,
how it bends and stretches, even how it sounds – we
question everything. “Taman” is an excellent word
in our language that means “just right” and it is the
perfect answer to all these questions.
What is minimalism to you?
Our minimalist answer would be: emphasizing
the essential and reducing the irrelevant. For example,
the cable has to be an essential part of our design as
it is in Ili Ili and Model or it has to be cleverly hidden
like in Baluna and Arigato. It is that simple and simple
is our favourite challenge.