Jean-Marie Massaud
Series of rectangular and rounded tables with top in
transparent extralight glass 15 mm thick chamfered and
tempered. The bases, in transparent extralight glass
19 mm thick tempered, achieved by complex manufacturing
processes of grinding, chamfering and gluing, can be
dismantled and are fixed to the top through stainless steel
Serie di tavoli rettangolari e rotondi con piano in
cristallo trasparente extralight 15 mm bisellato,
temperato. Le basi, in cristallo trasparente extralight
19 mm temperato, ottenute grazie a complesse
lavorazioni di molatura, bisellatura ed incollaggio,
sono smontabili e fissate al piano tramite delle piastre
sagomate in acciaio inox.
ALER01 L210 - P90 - H73 ALER02 L240 - P100 - H73 ALER03 Ø130 - H73 ALER04 Ø155 - H73
aler 01
aler 03
tavoli 17