H - I Index
Gira Electrical Installation Systems
Hand-held transmitter
- Battery (eNet) D 446
- KNX RF, 2-gang D 377, 392, 450
- KNX RF, 4-gang D 377, 392, 450
- Wireless, 1-gang (eNet) D 441
- Wireless, 2-gang (eNet) D 441
- Wireless, 4-gang (eNet) D 441
- Wireless charger Multi (eNet) D 446
- Wireless Multi (eNet) D 441
HDMI™ 2.0a +HDR
- Insert D 351
- Insert, 2-gang D 351
- Insert and cinch audio D 351
- Insert and SAT F jack D 352
- Insert and USB 3.0 type A D 352
- Insert and USB 3.0 type A and mini jack
D 352
- Insert and VGA 15-pole D 352
Heating actuator
- 1-gang (KNX) D 420
- 6-gang (KNX) D 425
- Basic, 6-gang (KNX) D 425
Heating, ventilation, air conditioning
D 132, 160, 183, 295
Hinged cover D 199
- SCHUKO socket outlet D 40, 64, 124, 199
- SCHUKO socket outlet w. inscription
space D 199
- SCHUKO socket outlet w. inscription
space and contact protection D 41
- Seal kit D 71
HomeServer 4 D 401
- Wall mount D 403
Home station
- Call button, 1-gang D 134, 162, 326
- Call button, 3-gang D 134, 162, 326
- Control 19 Client 2, add-on module D 327
- Control 9 Client, add-on module D 327
- DCS-TV-gateway, add-on module D 327
- Flush-mounted D 134, 162, 325
- Flush-mounted receiver D 326
- Mounting adapter plate D 339
- Surface-Mounted D 324
- Surface-mounted (E22) D 134, 162
- Surface-mounted gong D 135
- TFT display D 134, 162
- TFT display, add-on module D 327
- Video, surface mounted D 324
- Video, surface mounted (E22) D 134, 162
- Video, surface-mounted Plus D 325
- Video, surface mounted Plus (E22) D 134,
Home Stations D 321
Hotel card button D 32, 119, 153, 177
- Inscription space D 198
Hotel status display D 32, 47
- Rocker switches D 32, 153
Housing D 211
- push-button and mushroom button D 211
HVAC D 295
Hygrostat D 133, 161, 302
Imprint D Symbol
Impulse insert
- System 2000 D 250
- System 2000 for automatic staircase
lighting mechanism D 250
Indoor station D Home station
Info module
- Door station D 202, 315
Inscription sheet D 259
- E2 cover frames D 259
- Gira F100 D 259
- LED signal light, LED orientation light
D 260
- Name plate/door plate D 58, 142
- Set with 20 fields D 260
- System 55, E22 D 259
Inscription software
- Gira Edition DesignPro D 260
Inscription space D 261
- E2 cover frame D 69
- Rocker switch and rocker D 217
- SCHUKO socket outlet D 217
- Standard 55 cover frame D 62
- 2-way switch/2-way button D 245
- 3-stage switch D 247
- Antenna socket EDU 04 D 357
- Antenna socket FS 302 F D 358
- Antenna socket GEDU 10 D 357
- Antenna socket GEDU 15 D 357
- Auxiliary unit for presence detector and
automatic control switch (System 2000)
D 250
- Auxiliary unit for universal dimmer D 251
- Auxiliary unit (System 2000) D 250
- Blind button or switch D 246, 289
- Blind controller D 290
- Blind rocker button D 246, 289
- Blind rocker switch D 246, 289
- BNC, 2-gang D 359
- Bus coupler D 372
- Bus coupler 3 D 372
- Bus coupler 3 (KNX) D 372
- Bus coupler button D 383
- Cable branch D 261
- Chinese double socket outlet D 37, 123
- Chinese socket outlet D 37, 123
- Cinch audio D 355
- Cinch audio and composite video D 356
- Cinch audio and DVI D 353
- Cinch audio and HDMI™ 2.0 a +HDR
D 351
- Cinch audio and mini jack D 356
- Cinch audio and USB D 353
- Cinch audio and VGA D 354
- Cinch audio, composite video, S-video
D 354
- Cinch audio, composite video, S-video,
mini jack D 354
- Component video D 356
- Composite video and S-video D 354
- Control unit 1 – 10 V (System 2000)
D 248, 254
- Data cap D 364 - 366
- Dimmer w. push-button/2-way switch
D 252
- Docking station D 54, 140
- D-sub, 15-pole D 357, 362
- D-sub, 9-pole D 357, 362
- DVI (24+5) D 353
- Electronic potentiometer D 254
- HDMI™ 2.0a +HDR D 351
- HDMI™ 2.0a +HDR, 2-gang D 351
- HDMI™ 2.0a +HDR and SAT F jack D 352
- HDMI™ 2.0a +HDR and USB 3.0 type A
D 352
- HDMI™ 2.0a +HDR and USB 3.0 type A
and mini jack D 352
- HDMI™ 2.0a +HDR and VGA 15-pole
D 352
- HVAC relay (System 2000) D 249, 302
- Impulse (System 2000) D 250
- Key switch D 246, 290
- Light bulb dimmer D 252
- Light bulb dimmer w. push-button/2-way
switch D 252
- Lighting element D 257
- Lighting element for light signal D 258
- Light signal D 258
- Light signal E10 D 258
- Loudspeaker connection, 1-gang D 355
- Loudspeaker connection, 2-gang D 355
- Loudspeaker connection, 4-gang D 355
- LV dimmer (System 2000) D 248, 253
- LV dimmer w. push-button/2-way switch
D 253
- Mini jack D 356
- Modular jack D 358
- Modular jack and SAT F D 357 - 358
- Network Cat.5e, 1-gang D 360
- Network Cat.5e, 2-gang D 360
- Network Cat.6, 2-gang D 360
- Network Cat.6A, 1-gang D 359
- Network Cat.6A, 2-gang D 359
- Notebook mounting D 52, 138, 166, 362
- Pull-cord button D 246
- Pull-cord switch D 245
- Relay (System 2000) D 249
- Relay, zero-voltage (System 2000) D 249
- Rocker Button D 244
- Rocker button, 4-gang D 245
- Rocker control switch D 244
- Rocker indicator switch w. LED D 244
- Rocker switches D 243
- SAT F jack D 357
- SAT F jack, 2-gang D 357
- SCHUKO socket outlet, rotated 30° D 42
- SCHUKO socket outlet, rotated 30°, with
coloured cover D 42
- Speed regulator w. rotary on/off switch
D 247
- Stereo loudspeaker D 355
- TAE connection box D 361
- Time switch D 247
- Tronic dimmer w. push-button/2-way
switch D 253
- UAE/IAE Cat.3 1-gang, 1 x 8-pole D 361
- UAE/IAE Cat.3 2-gang, 2 x 8-pole D 361
- UAE/IAE Cat.3 2-gang, 2 x 8-pole (8/8)
D 361
- Universal Dimmer D 251
- Universal LED dimmer (System 2000)
D 247, 251
- Universal series dimmer D 251
- USB 3.0 type A D 352
- USB 3.0 type A, 2-gang D 352
- USB 3.0 type A and mini jack D 353
- USB data interface D 386, 421
- USB power supply, 2-gang D 44, 125,
156, 180
- VGA 15-pole D 353
- VGA 15-pole and USB D 353
- VGA 2-gang 15-pole D 354
- VGA and mini jack D 354
- WBT-0708 Cu nextgen D 355
- WBT-0710 Cu nextgen D 355
- XLR jack, D series D 356
Installation adapter
- Mini housing (eNet) D 445
Installation box
- E22 flat mounting D 115
- Razor socket outlet D 58
Installation kit
- E22 flat mounting D 114
Installation profile
- Door communication D 318
- Mounting kit D 318
Interface device
- Control 19 Client 2 D 402
- Control 9 Client D 402
- Gira G1 230 V D 328, 395
- Gira G1 24 V D 328, 395
- Gira G1 PoE D 328, 395
Intermediate switch
- Push switch, backlit D 116
- Push switch (S-Color) D 174
- Push switch with straight rocker D 115
- Push switch w. rocker D 26, 115, 151
- Rocker switch (IP44) D 210
- Rocker switch (IP66) D 221
IP44 water-protected, flush-mounted
D TX_44
IP44 water-protected, surface-mounted
- Accessories D 217
- Blind controller D 214
- Bus coupler button D 216
- Dimmers D 211
- Orientation Lighting D 215
- Protective circuits D 218
- RCD-protected socket outlet w. hinged
cover D 214, 218
- Seal kits E2 D 71
- Seal kits F100 D 168
- Seal kits Standard 55 D 63
- Switches and buttons D 210
- Time switch D 215