Convenient automatic or manual blind control
There are various switches and buttons available from Gira for controlling blinds
and shutters. Raising and lowering of blinds or shutters can be done manually or via
an automated function. In combination with sensors, blinds and shutters can be
intelligently controlled to prevent damage from strong winds, for example. Switches
and buttons for controlling blinds are available for conventional electrical systems
as well as for the Gira eNet system.
Automatic blind control
Blinds that react to wind, rain or sun – no
problem with automatic blind control from
Gira. This is made possible by sensors that
measure humidity, wind speed, brightness
or temperature and issue respective
commands to the blinds depending on the
settings made.
Group function
If several blinds are to controlled simul-
taneously, a number of controllers can
be grouped together. One device in the
system serves as the master device and
transmits the control commands to all
the downstream devices. Each blind can,
of course, also be locally controlled
individually. Group control makes good
sense for example in a detached family
house or in smaller office spaces.
Time-controlled blind control
Using the electronic blind controller, blinds
and similar devices can be easily raised and
lowered automatically. If times are pro-
grammed, the punctual movement of the
blinds is automatic. This function is ideal
to simulate a presence in the home, for
example: Home owners can go on holiday
in the secure knowledge that blinds,
shutters or awnings are controlled by the
system at set times.
Wireless control of blinds
Operate blinds, shutters or awnings con-
ven iently by remote control: with the wire-
less blind control button and the wireless
hand-held transmitter of the Gira eNet
system. This lets you control blinds in
dif erent rooms simultaneously, for example.
Connected sun sensors auto matically
protect furniture and plants from too much
sun. Even if no one is home.
Manual blind control
Raising and lowering blinds is a breeze with
the blind control button: A short press of
the button adjusts the slats, pressing the
button a for a longer time raises and lowers
the blinds. The directions of movements are
interlocked to securely prevent damage.
Blind controller
The delivery results subject to countries specific assortments.
Gira Electrical Installation Systems
Blind controller
Product range
D 289
Blind control button
top units
D 291
Electronic blind
controller easy
D 293
D 293
Cut-off relay
D 294