Gira Electrical Installation Systems
Paul Blok
Michelle Muller
Gerrit Snyder
Petra Shoemaker
Gira develops and manufactures systems and products which
set standards both in technology and design. This has won Gira
both domestic and international awards and honours over the
decades. A selection of the major awards and prize-winning
products can be found on these pages.
Gira RDS flush-mounted radio
Perspective Award – Product Design
2011, iF product design award 2010,
Plus X Award 2010.
Product design: Gira Design
Team / Phoenix Design
Gira smoke alarm device Dual
iF product design award 2010,
red dot award 2010, Plus X Award 2010.
Product design: Gira Design
Team / Phoenix Design
Gira E2
International Design Award 1998,
iF product design award 1999,
Red Dot Design Innovations 1999.
Product design: Gira Design Team
Gira door station stainless steel
iF product design award 2007,
Plus X Award 2007, Design Category.
Product design: Phoenix Design
Gira G1
German Design Award 2015, iF Design
Award 2015, Design Plus powered by l+b
2014, ICONIC Award Winner 2014, Plus X
Award 2014, Products of the Year, Good
Design Award, The Chicago Athenaeum:
Museum of Architecture and Design, The
European Centre for Architecture Art
Design and Urban Studies.
Gira Interface: ADC Award 2015, Red Dot
Award Communication Design 2014.
Product design, interface design:
schmitz Visuelle Kommunikation
Gira E3
Iconic Award - Winner.
Product design:
schmitz Visuelle Kommunikation