1. IM 308 - H 72 - ø 95 - 12 x 40W - E14 - Peso/weight 11 kg
Lampadario 12 luci. Struttura in ferro nero con fregi in ottone “fl oreali” fi nitura
oro antico. Dettagli in vetro trasparente.
Chandelier 12 lights. Black fi nished iron structure with “fl oreal” brass ornaments,
antique gold leaf fi nished. Transparent glass details.
2. IM 642 - H 31 - L 69 - P 12 - 4 x 40W - E14 - Peso/weight 3, 5 kg
Applique 4 luci. Struttura in ferro nero con fregi in ottone “fl oreali”
fi nitura oro antico. Dettagli in vetro trasparente.
Wall lamp 4 lights. Black fi nished iron structure with “fl oreal” brass ornaments,
antique gold leaf fi nished. Transparent glass details.
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11/12/13 17:05