FIAM Italia Италия Срок поставки 80 дней

Каталог FIAM Italia: Catalogue Vol.2 2022, стр 237 с 247

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Struttura rivestita in cuoio Solid _ Solid hide upholster structure
Seduta e schienale rivestiti in pelle One _ One leather upholster seat and back
U04 Nero
U04 Black
F04 Nero
F04 Black
U41 Testa di moro
U41 Dark brown
F41 Testa di moro
F41 Dark brown
Seduta e schienale rivestiti in Nubuck _ Nubuck upholster seat and back
U18 Grigio cenere
U18 Ash grey
Sedia rivestita in cuoio Solid e pelle
One o Nubuck. Struttura interna
in tubolare metallico e legno.
Chair upholstered in Solid hide
and One leather or Nubuck.
Internal structure in metal
tubular and wood.
Chaise recouverte en cuir Solid et cuir
One ou Nubuck. Structure
interne en tube métallique et bois.
Stuhl gepolstert in Solid Leder und
One Echtleder oder Nubuck. Interne
Struktur aus Metallrohr und Holz.
52 x 50 x 79 cm
20 1/2” x 19 11/16” x 31 1/8”
design Studio Klass
2138 Lavagna
2138 Slate black
2114 Testa di moro
2114 Dark brown
2118 Perla
2118 Pearl grey