Ferretti & Ferretti Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Ferretti & Ferretti: Ferretti For You, стр 67 с 71

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Cod. YTO03
Torre struttura metallo con ripiani /
Metal tower structure with shelves
(L. 640, H. 2100, P. 460)
Cod. YTO02
Torre struttura metallo con anta e cassetto /
Metal tower structure with door and drawer
(L. 640, H. 2100, P. 460)
Cod. YTO01
Torre struttura metallo con cassetti e specchio /
Metal tower structure with drawers and mirror
(L. 640, H. 2100, P. 460)
Cod. YTA01
Tavolino rotondo gambe metallo dritte /
Round table with straight metal legs
(L. 600, H. 600, P. 600)
Cod. YTA05
Tavolino doppio cono grande /
Large double-cone table
(L. 545, H. 415, P. 545)
Cod. YTA04
Tavolino doppio con piccolo /
Small double-cone table
(L. 450, H. 355, P. 450)
Cod. YTO04
Torre struttura metallo con appendiabiti /
Metal tower structure with clothes rack
(L. 640, H. 2100, P. 460)
Cod. YTA02
Tavolino rotondo gambe metallo inclinate /
Round table with inclined metal legs
(L. 600, H. 600, P. 600)
Cod. YSE02
Poltroncina gambe laccate / Armchair with lacquered legs
(L. 740, H. 660, P. 720)
Cod. YPU03
Pouff doppio cono imbottitura grande /
Large double-cone upholstered ottoman
(L. 545, H. 440, P. 545)
Cod. YPU02
Pouff doppio cono imbottitura piccolo /
Small double-cone upholstered ottoman
(L. 450, H. 370, P. 450)
Cod. YPU01
Pouff apribile con portascarpe /
Openable ottoman with shoe holder
(L. 800, H. 500, P. 800)
Cod. YSE06
Dormeuse gambe laccate / Day bed with lacquered legs
(L. 740, H. 660, P. 1200)
Cod. YSE03
Poggiapiedi imbottito rettangolare /
Rectangular upholstered footrest
(L. 730, H. 390, P. 430)
Cod. YSE04
Poltroncina con apertura su spalliera /
Armchair with opening on backrest
(L. 630, H. 880, P. 620)
Cod. YSE05
Sedia spalliera avvolgente / Chair with wrap-around backrest
(L. 670, H. 940, P. 710)
Cod. YSE01
Sedia con apertura su spalliera /
Chair with opening on backrest
(L. 520, H. 900, P. 600)
Cod. YPL01
Panca fondoletto imbottita struttura metallo /
Upholstered end-of-bed bench with metal frame
(L. 1300, H. 430, P. 450)
Cod. YPL02
Panca fondoletto legno ed imbottitura /
Upholstered wooden end-of-bed bench
(L. 1300, H. 430, P. 485)
Cod. YPL03
Panca fondoletto imbottita contenitore /
Upholstered end-of-bed bench with container
(L. 1300, H. 430, P. 450)
Cod. YPU04
Pouff rotondo imbottito top in vetro /
Round upholstered ottoman with glass top
(L. 1200, H. 350, P. 1200)
Cod. YTA03
Tavolino struttura ferro e doppio piano rotondo /
Table with metal frame and two round tops
(L. 580, H. 630, P. 450)
Cod. YLA01
Piantana alta struttura ferro /
Tall standard lamp with metal frame
(L. 550, H. 1700, P. 550)
Cod. YLA03
Lampada abat jour /
Table lamp
(L. 280, H. 400, P. 280)
Cod. YLA02
Lampada tronco di cono appesa /
Truncated cone hanging lamp
(L. 550, H. 360, P. 550)
Cod. YLA04
Lampada piccola appesa /
Small hanging lamp
(L. 280, H. 350, P. 280)
Cod. YK001
Mensola cubo in metallo con ripiano /
Cube-shaped metal frame with shelf
(L. 380, H. 380, P. 280)
Cod. YK002
Mensola cubo in metallo con cassetto /
Cube-shaped with drawer
(L. 380, H. 380, P. 280)