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Каталог Expormim: Outdoor News 2022, стр 18 с 50

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[en] Lapala is Expormim’s reedition
of the classic 90’s braided chair
by Lievore Altherr Molina without
losing an ounce of its primitive
Mediterranean charm. The family
grows this seasons with two
radically contemporary versions
(classic 4-legged and pyramid-
shaped base), both made of FSC
certified sapele wood. “Her curves
and gentle shape keep the sober,
light and versatile character of the
original design. This update brings
a significant increase in comfort
through its improved ergonomics
as well as a higher performance to
weather conditions due to the fact
it is woven with nautical rope on
a painted stainless steel frame.”
[es] Lapala es la reedición para
Expormim de la clásica silla trenzada
que firmaran Lievore Altherr Molina
en los 90 sin perder ni un ápice de su
primigenio encanto mediterráneo.
La familia crece esta temporada
con dos versiones radicalmente
contemporáneas (clásica con 4 patas
y base piramidal), ambas realizadas
en madera de sapeli con certificado
FSC. “Sus formas curvas y amables
preservan el carácter sobrio, ligero
y versátil que, en esta actualización,
incorpora un significativo
aumento del confort gracias a una
mejora de la ergonomía. Ofrece,
además, una alta resistencia a
la intemperie por estar tejida en
cabo náutico sobre estructura
de acero inoxidable pintado.”
lievore altherr molina, 2015/2022
lapala — 32
new hand-woven chairs
new hand-woven dining armchairs