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Каталог Ekinex: Technical Catalogue 2022, стр 164 с 171

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Norms are, by nature, voluntary application dispositions; anyhow, complying with
norms constitutes the best guarantee in the choice of a product for designers,
installers and end users. In fact, norms are “state-of-the-art” developments in their
technology sector and precisely define quality, performance and safe conditions of
use for a product. Beyond safety norms regarding all products, the systems for the
control of houses and buildings are more often requested to integrate energetic
efficiency models, consistently abiding to recent tendencies aiming at global
system-envelope system efficiency, more so than seek optimization of single parts.
KNX represents an open and interoperable system for the automation of houses and
buildings, normed at global level thanks to its conformity with international (ISO/
IEC 14543-3), European (CENELEC EN 50090, CEN EN 13321-1 e 13321-2), Chinese
(GB/Z 20965) and American (ANSI/ASHRAE 135) norms.
ISO/IEC 14543-3
Information technology - Home electronic system
(HES) architecture
In sight of the great interest towards KNX compatible products and the technology by them consolidated well beyond European
markets, the KNX Association took all necessary steps to obtain approval of its own KNX standards at international levels. At
the end of 2004, active CENELEC member countries proposed the European EN 50090 norm for ISO/IEC standardization. In
November 2006, the KNX protocol and all transmission media (TP, PL, RF and IP) became approved and published under the
international ISO/IEC 14543-3-x normative.
EN 50090
Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES)
In December 2003, the KNX protocol and the two TP (twisted pair) and PL (power line) transmission media were approved by
the European national committees and ratified by the CENELEC Bureau Technique under the European EN 50090 norm. The
transmission medium KNX RF (radio frequency) was approved the month of may 2006.
CEN EN 13321-1
Open data communication in building automation,
controls and building management. Home and
building electronic system.
Product and system requirements
Since KNX supplies more and more technical specifications used not only for the automation of electrical devices, but also
for HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) applications, the KNX Association submitted its specifications to CEN
for publishing a European normative for building control systems. CEN accepted the proposal and KNX specifications where
published by CEN as EN 13321-1 and EN 13321-2.
CEN EN 13321-2
Open data communication in building automation,
controls and building management. Home and
building electronic systems.
KNXnet/IP Communication

GB/Z 20965
Control network HBES technology
specification - Home and building control
The great interest demonstrated by China for KNX products and technology was the main reason for the KNX Association
to have the international ISO/IEC 14543 norm translated into Chinese. The Chinese standardization committee SAC TC 124
introduced the KNX standard into China and adopted it under the GB/Z 20965 norm in July 2007.
BACnet - A Data Communication Protocol for
Building Automation and Control Networks
(ANSI Approved)
Even the interfacing of KNX with other automation systems is now internationally standardized: the norms US ANSI/ASHRAE
135 and ISO 16484-5 support mapping between KNX and BACnet.
CEI EN IEC 63044-3
2018 Home and Building Electronic Systems
(HBES) and Building Automation and Control
Systems (BACS)
Part 3: Electrical safety requirements
CEI EN IEC 63044-5-1
2017 Home and Building Electronic Systems
(HBES) and Building Automation and Control
Systems (BACS)
Part 5-1: EMC requirements, conditions and test set-up
Normative references
Normative references
The EN 50090 norm
The European EN 50090 norm “Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES)” was
developed at CENELEC from the TC 205 Technical Committee, specifically established
in 1996 to write norms covering all relevant aspects of electronic systems dedicated
to the control of homes and buildings. Parts of the norm were progressively released
and published by the standard committee of several European countries giving birth
to the national norms about the electronic systems for homes and buildings.
Beyond the requirements for the development of HBES systems and components,
aimed at builders, the norm also defines the criteria for designing, installing and
testing an HBES system. The KNX standard is entirely compliant with the EN 50090
Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Title of the part
EN 50090-1
Part 1: Standardization structure
EN 50090-2-1
Part 2-1: System overview - Architecture
EN 50090-2-2/A2
Part 2-2/A2: System overview - General technical requirements
EN 50090-2-3
Part 2-3: System overview - General functional safety requirements for products intended to be integrated in HBES
EN 50090-3-1
Part 3-1: Aspects of application - Introduction to the application structure
EN 50090-3-2
Part 3-2: Aspects of application - User process for HBES Class 1
EN 50090-3-3
Part 3-3: Aspects of application - HBES Interworking model and common HBES data types
EN 50090-4-1
Part 4-1: Media independent layers - Application layer for HBES Class 1
EN 50090-4-2
Part 4-2: Media independent layers - Transport layer, network layer and general parts of data link layer for HBES Class 1
EN 50090-4-3
Part 4-3: Media independent layers - Communication over IP
EN 50090-5-1
Part 5-1: Media and media dependent layers - Power line for HBES Class 1
EN 50090-5-2
Part 5-2: Media and media dependent layers - Network based on HBES Class 1, Twisted Pair
EN 50090-5-3
Part 5-3: Media and media dependent layers - Radio frequency
EN 50090-7-1
Part 7-1: System management - Management procedures
EN 50090-8
Part 8: Conformity assessment of products
EN 50090-9-1
Part 9-1: Installation requirements - Generic cabling for HBES Class 1 Twisted Pair
CLC/TR 50090-9-2
Part 9-2: Installation requirements - Inspection and testing of HBES installation
Wall-mount devices
DIN-Rail mount modules
Sales kit
Technical section
General terms of sale
General index