Devina Nais Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Devina Nais: V2 My Night & Day, стр 188 с 416

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È un arredo dall’uso antico, la dispensa,
che può assumere aspetti diversissimi a seconda delle predilezioni di ogni casa.
Massiccia e importante, totalmente in legno, o slanciata e luminosa grazie all’uso combinato del vetro.
C’è un fil rouge che lega l’eterogeneità delle dispense Devina Nais: l’impeccabile design.
That’s the most traditional piece of furniture,
the pantry, which can take on several aspects depending on the preferences of each home.
Solid and majestic, totally in wood, or thin and bright thanks to the combined use of glass.
There is a common thread that binds the heterogeneity of Devina Nais’ pantries: the flawless design.
Devina Nais // IDEAS & SOLUTIONS
DN088 CAT. V2 NIGHT&DAY_261118.indd 188
29/11/18 15:26