Devina Nais Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Devina Nais: V2 My Night & Day, стр 133 с 416

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Madia con frontali in rovere massello in finitura
Holand Gray e struttura laccata color Rubino, basamento in ferro color Iron Black.
Sideboard with fronts made in solid oak wood Holand Gray finish
and structure lacquered Rubino color. Iron basement in Iron Black color.
Cod. 820CR381
Dim. L 240 H 75 P 50
I frontali in Rovere masello finitura Holand Gray
della madia Twins abbinati alla struttura
in finitura Rubino, creano un gradevole contrasto
fra la superficie laccata e la matericità del legno.
Solid Oak fronts in Holand Gray finish of
Twins sideboard combined with the structure in finish Rubino,
create a pleasant contrast between lacquered
surface and the “materico” effect of wood.
DN088 CAT. V2 NIGHT&DAY_261118.indd 133
29/11/18 15:22