Devina Nais Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Devina Nais: V2 My Night & Day, стр 129 с 416

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Madia in rovere massello in finitura Holand Naturale
con basamento in ferro color Bronzo.
Sideboard made in solid oak wood in Holand Naturale finish,
with iron basement Bronzo color.
Cod. 820CR361
Dim. L 240 H 82 P 50
L’asimmetrica alternanza di altezze sul profilo
superiore delle ante e la finitura Holand Naturale
concorrono a rendere naturale e accattivante
l’aspetto della madia Urban Ranch.
The asymmetric alternation of heights on
the upper contours and Holand Naturale finish
contribute to make the general aspect of
the sideboard natural and appealing.
DN088 CAT. V2 NIGHT&DAY_261118.indd 129
29/11/18 15:21