Cucinesse Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Cucinesse: Harmony, стр 19 с 43

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HARMONY 34 . 35
Harmony è una cucina di tendenza e frizzante che, con materiali
e tecnologie innovative, esprime la sua personalità multiforme
attraverso tratti sempre inediti. È un modello funzionale e brioso,
in cui le ante e i contenitori a giorno, di misure e finiture diverse,
rivoluzionano la consueta sequenza di moduli tutti uguali.
Si compone come un puzzle, rispondendo con disinvoltura
e vivacità alle moderne esigenze abitative. Harmony si vive
con disinvoltura, senza rinunciare a un’estetica accattivante e
Hamony is a trendy and lively kitchen which, through materials
and innovative technologies, expresses its polyhedric personality
characterized by increasingly innovative features. It is a functional
and very fresh model, in which the doors and the open storage
elements, in different sizes and finishes, revolutionize the
traditionally usual sequence in which all the modular elements are
the same. It is made up of pieces fit together like a puzzle, responding
with easiness and liveliness to the modern living needs. Harmony
represents a very enjoyable way of living in the kitchen with ease,
without renouncing to a captivating and distinctive aesthetics.
Harmony est une cuisine tendance et pétillante, avec ses matériaux
et sa technologie innovante, elle exprime sa personnalité
multiforme et ce au travers de ses traits inédits. C’est un modèle
fonctionnel et captivant, ses portes et ses éléments ouverts
révolutionnent les habitudes des modules toujours identiques. Elle
se compose comme un puzzle, en répondant avec désinvolture et
vivacité aux exigences modernes de l’habitation. Harmony est
vécue avec désinvolture, sans renoncer a une esthétique captivante
et distinguée.