Connubia Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Connubia: New Indoor Collection 2021, стр 38 с 87

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Yo! CB1991-A sedie con braccioli | metallo/polipropilene P15 nero opaco - armchairs | metal/polypropylene
P15 matt black Yo! CB1991 sedie con braccioli | metallo P94 bianco ottico opaco / tessuto Plain SKQ sabbia -
armchairs | metal P94 matt optic white / Plain fabric SKQ sand Iron CB4809-FR 160 tavolo fisso | metallo
P94 bianco ottico opaco - non-extending table | metal P94 matt optic white Pof CB5207 pouf | tessuto
Cros SLC limone - ottoman | Cros fabric SLC lemon yellow App CB5212 appendiabiti | faggio P02 faggio
sbiancato / P94 bianco ottico opaco - coat stands / hangers | beech P02 bleached beechwood / P94 matt
optic white Hachiko CB7254-B tappeto | polipropilene/poliestere tonalità beige/timo/zafferano/limone -
rug | polypropylene/polyester various shades of beige/thyme green/saffron yellow/lemon yellow
sedie e sgabelli | chairs and stools