Connubia Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Connubia: New Indoor Collection 2021, стр 34 с 87

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Tuka CB2117 sedia | - chair |
Tuka CB2117 sedie | faggio/polipropilene P132 grafite / P900 tortora opaco | P02 faggio sbiancato / P8L timo
opaco - chairs | beech/polypropylene P132 graphite / P900 matt taupe | P02 bleached beechwood / P8L matt thyme
green Stulle CB5208 panca | metallo P8L timo opaco / tessuto Cros SLG timo - bench | metal P8L matt thyme green /
Cros fabric SLG thyme green App CB5212 appendiabiti | faggio P02 faggio sbiancato / P94 bianco ottico
opaco - coat stands / hangers | beech P02 bleached beechwood / P94 matt optic white Hachiko CB7254-C
tappeto | polipropilene/poliestere tonalità beige - rug | polypropylene/polyester various shades of beige
sedie e sgabelli | chairs and stools