Connubia Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Connubia: New Indoor Collection 2021, стр 10 с 87

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Academy sedie in metallo con scocca in polipropilene | metal chairs with polypropylene shell CB2143 P15 nero opaco - P15 matt black CB2137 P3L rosso ossido opaco -
P3L matt oxide red CB2144 P94 bianco ottico opaco - P94 matt optic white CB2146 360 P94 bianco ottico opaco / P9L limone opaco - P94 matt optic white / P9L matt
lemon yellow CB2145 P15 nero opaco / P7L zafferano opaco - P15 matt black | P7L matt saffron yellow Academy sedia in legno con scocca in polipropilene | wooden chair
with polypropylene shell CB2142 faggio P02 faggio sbiancato / P8L timo opaco - beech P02 bleached beechwood / P8L matt thyme green
sedie e sgabelli | chairs and stools