sgabelli in metallo | metal stools
CB1992-A P15 nero opaco /
multistrato faggio P132 grafite
P15 matt black / plywood beech
P132 graphite
CB1987-A P94 bianco ottico
opaco / multistrato faggio P02
faggio sbiancato
P94 matt optic white / plywood
beech P02 bleached beechwood
CB1987 P7L zafferano opaco /
tessuto Plain SKS nero
P7L matt saffron yellow / Plain
fabric SKS black
panca in legno e metallo |
wooden and metal bench
CB5210 faggio P02 faggio
sbiancato - P9L limone opaco /
tessuto Plain SKT limone
beech P02 bleached beechwood -
P9L lemon yellow /
Plain fabric SKT lemon yellow
sedie in metallo | metal chairs
CB1986 P7L zafferano opaco /
tessuto Plain SKV rosa
P7L matt saffron yellow / Plain
fabric SKV pink
CB1988 P2L cipria opaco / tessuto
Plain SKW bordeaux
metal P2L matt pink / Plain fabric
SKW burgundy
CB1986 metallo P6L bosco opaco /
tessuto Plain SKX timo
metal P6L matt forest green /
Plain fabric SKX thyme green
panca in legno e metallo |
wooden and metal bench
collezione | collection