Connubia Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Connubia: General 2020, стр 148 с 303

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Jam CB1486 sedia | chair
faggio P02 faggio sbiancato / plastica bicolore P799 bianco-
P837 tortora lucido - P11P nocciola lucido - P13P senape lucido
beech P02 bleached beechwood / bicolor plastic P799 white-
P837 glossy taupe - P11P glossy nougat - P13P glossy mustard yellow
Jam CB1486
sedie in frassino e plastica bicolore |
ashwood and bicolor plastic chairs
P27 natural / P799-P11P
bianco-nocciola lucido
P27 natural / P799-P11P
white-glossy nougat
P15L nero opaco / P799-P837
bianco-tortora lucido
P15L matt black / P799-P837
white-glossy taupe
Jam CB1487
sgabelli in faggio e plastica bicolore
beech and bicolor plastic stools
P02 faggio sbiancato / P799-P851
bianco-arancio trasparente -
P799-P837 bianco-tortora lucido
P02 bleached beechwood / P799-P851
white-transparent orange -
P799-P837 white-glossy taupe
sedie e sgabelli | chairs and stools