Clip sedie e sgabello in metallo |
metal chairs and stool
CB1971 P94 bianco ottico opaco /
multistrato rovere P507 bianco ottico spazzolato
P94 matt optic white /
plywood oak P507 brushed optic white
CB1975 P15 nero opaco / similpelle Ekos G8N nero
P15 matt black / Ekos faux leather G8N black
CB1974 P95 acciaio satinato /
materiale sintetico Carbon Look 481
P95 satin finished steel /
Carbon Look synthetic fabric 481
CB1974 P176 tortora opaco /
similpelle Ekos G8Q tortora
P176 matt taupe / Ekos faux leather G8Q taupe
sedie e sgabelli | chairs and stools