Clever Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Clever: Start Up, стр 24 с 53

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Una camera dallo spirito grintoso si riconosce dai dettagli e dalle finiture.
La vitalità del rosso veste il letto SLITTA e il comodino con maniglia GHOST
rafforza i dettagli della scrivania, del casellario e dell’armadio.
Armadio SLIM in nobilitato Tortora con inserti Rovere 74 e maniglie GHOST
in laccato color Papavero.
A bedroom with a gritty soul that is characterised by details and finishings.
The vitality of red color enwraps SLITTA bed and the bedside table table with
GHOST handle it also strengthens the details of the desk, of the pigeonhole and of
the closet. SLIM closet in Tortora color melamine with inserts and handles in Rovere
74 and GHOST handles in Papavero color lacquered.