Type of stain | Tipo di macchia
Type de tache | Fleckenart | Tipo de mancha | Тип пятна
Detergents | Detergente
Détergent | Reinigungsmittel | Detergente | Моющее средство
Cement residues, lime scale deposits and traces of materials used
during sealing | Residui di cemento, depositi calcarei e tracce
piombatura | Résidus de mortier dépôt de calcaire et traces de
plombage | Zementrückstände, Kalkablagerungen und bleispuren |
Residuos de cemento, depósitos calcareos y trazas de emplomado |
Остатки цемента, пятна извести и следы освинцовки
Weak organic acid | Acido debole organico | Acide faible organique | Acide faible
organique | Acido débil orgánico | Слабая органическая кислота
Rust stains | Macchie di ruggine | Taches de rouille | Rostflecken |
Manchas de herrumble | Пятна ржавчины
Phospshoric acid based products | Preparati a base di acido fosforico | Produits à base
d’acide phosphorique | Produkt auf der Basis von Phosphorsäure | Preparados a base de
ácido fosfórico | Средства на основе фосфорной кислоты
Oil grease and wax | Olii, grassi e cera | Huiles, graisses et cire | Öl,
Fett und Wachs | Aceite, grasas y cera | Масла, жиры и воск
90° ethyl alcohol for oils and trichlorethylene for fats or bicarbonate and water or steam
Alcool etilico a 90° per olii e trielina per i grassi o bicarbonato e acqua o vapore |
90° d’alcool éthylique pour les huiles et le trichloréthylène pour les graisses ou le
bicarbonate et l’eau ou la vapeur | 90° Ethylalkohol für Öle und Trichlorethylen für
Fette oder Bicarbonat und Wasser oder Dampf | Alcohol etílico 90° para aceites y
tricloroetileno para grasas o bicarbonato y agua o vapo | Этиловый спирт 90° для масел и
триелин для жиров или же сода и вода, или пар
Tar, bitumen and resin based martar residues | Macchie di catrame
e bitume e residui di malta a base di resine | Taches de goudron
et de bitume et résidus de mortier | Teer-und Bitumenflecke sowie
Rückstände von Harzmörtel | Manchas de alquitrán, asfalto y
residuos de mortero a base de resinas | Пятна дегтя, битума или следы
раствора на основе смол
Organic solvents based on methylene chloride or acetone | Solventi organici a base di
cloruro di metilene o acetone | Solvants organiques à base de chlorure de méthylène
ou d’acétone | Organische Lösungsmittel auf Basis von Methylenchlorid oder Aceton
| Disolventes orgánicos a base de cloruro de metileno o acetona | Органические
растворители на основе хлористого метилена или ацетон
Paint spots | Gocce di colore e vernice | Gouttes de couleur et vernis
| Farb-und Lacktropfen | Gotas de pintura | Капли краски и лака
Solvent-based paint or paint remover for wood | Solvente base della vernice
o sverniciatore per legno | Peinture à base de solvant ou décapant pour bois |
Lösungsmittelbasierter Farb- oder Farbentferner für Holz | Pintura a base de solvente
o removedor de pintura para madera | Растворитель для краски или для снятия лака с
деревянной поверхности
Tyre rubber | Gomma da pneumatico | Caoutchouc de pneumatique
| Reifen Gummi | Goma da neumático | Следы от шины
Organic solvent | Solvente organico | Solvant organique | Organisches Lösungsmittel |
Solvente orgánico | Органический растворитель
Beer - wine | Birra - vino | Bière - vin | Bier, Wein | Cerveza - vino |
Пиво - вино
Alkaline detergent, pure hd wash | Detergente alcaino, hd wash puro | Détergent alcalin,
lavage hd pur | Alkalisches Reinigungsmittel, pure hd wash | Detergente alcalino, lavado
hd puro | Щелочное моющее средство, интенсивное чистящее средство HD wash в чистом
Iodine | Iodio | Iode | Jod | Yodo | Йод
Ammonia | Ammoniaca | Ammoniaque | Ammoniak | Amoníaco | Аммиак
Blood | Sangue | Sang | Blut | Sangre | Кровь
Hydrogen peroxide or sodium hypochlorite (bleach) | Acqua ossigenata o ipoclorito di
sodio (candeggina) | Peroxyde d’hydrogène ou hypochlorite de sodium (eau de Javel)
| Wasserstoffperoxid oder Natriumhypochlorit (Bleichmittel) | Peróxido de hidrógeno o
hipoclorito de sodio (lejía) | Перекись водорода или гипохлорит натрия (отбеливатель)
Coffe, tea, foodstuffs, cosmetics, fruit juice | Caffè, thè, alimenti,
cosmetici, succhi di frutta | Café, thé, aliments, cosmétique, jus de
fruits | Kaffee, Tee, Lebensmittel, Kosmetika, Obstsäfte | Café, té,
alimentos, cosméticos, jugos de fruta | Кофе, чай, пищевые продукты,
косметика, фруктовые соки
Common detergent in hot water, then, hydrogen peroxide or bleach, pure hd wash |
Comune detersivo in acqua calda, poi, acqua ossigenata o candeggina, hd wash puro
| Détergent commun dans l’eau chaude, puis peroxyde d’hydrogène ou eau de Javel,
pur lavage hd | übliches Waschmittel in heißem Wasser, dann, Wasserstoffperoxid oder
Bleichmittel, pure hd waschen | Detergente común en agua caliente, luego, peróxido
de hidrógeno o lejía, lavado hd pur | Обычное моющее средство или теплая вода, а затем
перекись водорода или отбеливающее средство, интенсивное чистящее средство HD
Inchiostro, bitume, mercurocromo | Ink, bitumen, mercurochrome
| Encre, bitume, mercurochrome | Tinte, Bitumen, Mercurochrom |
Tinta, asfalto, mercromina | Чернила, битум, меркурохром
Diluted solutions of sodium hypochlorite (bleach) | Soluzioni diluite di ipoclorito di sodio
(candeggina) | Solutions diluées d’hypochlorite de sodium (eau de Javel) | Verdünnte
Lösungen von Natriumhypochlorit (Bleiche) | Soluciones diluidas de hipoclorito de sodio
(blanqueador) | Разбавленный раствор гипохлорита натрия (отбеливатель)
Routine daily cleaning | Pulizia quotidiana | Nettoyage tous les jours
| Tägliche Reiningung | Limpieza diaria | Повседневная очистка
Normal floor detergents, water and ethyl alcohol, hd wash diluted in water as indicated
| Normali detergenti da pavimento acqua e alcool etilico, hd wash diluito in acqua
come indicato | Détergents normaux pour le sol, eau et alcool éthylique, lavage au hd
dilué dans l’eau comme indiqué | Normale Bodenreiniger, Wasser und Ethylalkohol, hd
waschen in Wasser verdünnt wie angegeben | Detergentes de piso normales, agua y
alcohol etílico, lavado hd diluido en agua como se indica | Обычное моющее средство для
пола, вода и этиловый спирт, разбавленное в воде интенсивное чистящее средство HD
Acid based detergents | Detergente a base acida
Solutions acides | Säure Reinigungsmittel
Detergentes de base acida | Кислотные моющие средства
Alkaline based detergents | Detergente a base alcalina
Détergents a base alcaline | Alkaline Reinigungsmittel
Detergentes de base alcalina | Щелочные моющие средства
Muriatic acid | Acido muriatico
Acide muriatique | Salzsäure | Acido muriático | Соляная кислота
Caustic soda
Soda caustica | soude caustique | natron | soda cáustica | Каустическая сода
Nitric acid | Acido nitrico
Acide nitrique | Salpetersäure | Ácido nítrico | Азотная кислота
Potassium carbonate
Potassa | Potasse | Pottasche | Potasa | Углекислый калий
Oxalic acid | Acido ossalico
Oxalic acid | Oxalsäure | Ácido oxálico | Щавелевая кислота
Sulfuric acid | Acido solforico
Acide sulfurique | Schwefelsäure | Ácido sulfúrico | Серная кислота
For any more detailed information you require regarding the technical characteristics and the reference regulations, please contact the Quality Office
through the website www.cerdisa.it. | Per tutte le informazioni più approfondite relative alle caratteristiche tecniche e le norme di riferimento rivolgersi
all’Ufficio Qualità attraverso il sito internet www.cerdisa.it. | Pour toutes les informations plus approfondies relatives aux caractéristiques techniques et aux
normes de référence, s’adresser au Bureau Qualité à travers le site www.cerdisa.it. | Für alle eingehenderen Informationen zu den technischen Merkmalen
und den Bezugsnormen wenden Sie sich bitte über die Website www.cerdisa.it an die Qualitätsabteilung. | Para obtener información más detallada sobre las
características técnicas y las normas de referencia, diríjase al Departamento de Calidad a través del sitio web www.cerdisa.it. | Для дальнейшей информации о
технических характеристиках и ссылочных нормах обращайтесь в Отдел контроля качества на сайте www.cerdisa.it.
The sale will refer exclusively to the type and quantity of ceramic material
specified by GRUPPO CRAMICHE RICCHETTI S.p.A. (the “Seller”) in the order
confirmation or in other documents of the Seller with the same legal value.
Offers and estimates of the Seller are not binding thereupon, and in no case
may be considered valid as contractual proposals. Orders will become binding
only after the written approval of acceptance issued by the Seller, on the
unquestionable judgement of the same. The same is valid also if the order is
taken by an agent, and the order will be binding for the Seller only if approved
by the same as indicated above. The Buyer cannot transfer the purchase
contract to third parties, unless written authorization has been obtained from
the Seller.
Should the order confirmation present amendments or additions to the order
of the Buyer, the contract will be considered as definitive 10 (ten) days after the
order confirmation has been sent to the Buyer and without any disagreement
or refusal from the same. The order cannot be cancelled by the Buyer unless
the term established for communicating acceptance has expired. If no term
is indicated, the Buyer can ask for a term to be established according to the
procedures envisaged in Article 1183 paragraph II of the Italian Civil Code. Any
money advance paid by the Buyer will be idle and will be cashed by the Seller
as a penalty if the Buyer cancels the purchase order before the term for order
confirmation has expired (or after it has been accepted by the Seller). Even in
these cases, the Seller still reserves the right to recover any greater damages
suffered due to the order cancellation, to demand that the Buyer respects the
contract, and to claim reimbursement of any expenses sustained for prolonged
storage of the material, as determined below at point 3.
The goods are understood to be sold “ex-works” and will be considered as having
been delivered to the Seller’s premises 10 (ten) days after the communication
that the same goods have been prepared, or for want of the same, when the
delivery note is issued to the carrier, or signed. The conditions stated here will
be valid also when the sales contract has been fulfilled in other places and
when, in specific departure, the price is inclusive of transportation costs and
the goods are transported by the Buyer. From this moment all the risks relevant
to the materials are the responsibility of the Buyer, and any storage, custody
and insurance will be paid by the same. Storage costs are herein fixed at €
1.00 per day and for each square metre of material which will remain on the
premises of the Seller, or also with third parties, should the material subject of
the contract be stored in places other than the premises, factory or warehouses
of the Seller. If the Seller has to pay expenses because the goods have not been
collected by the Buyer, and if these expenses are higher than the storage costs
per sq.mt indicated above, the Buyer will pay the Seller for any higher storage
costs sustained. All the delivery terms are understood as merely indicative.
Also delivery terms which may have been fixed with no delay allowed will be
subject to the usual possible variations envisaged for normal working activity
for any circumstance beyond the Seller’s control such as, by way of example;
strikes, lock-outs, fires, floods, suppliers delays, defective material, unexpected
problems with transport, and in any case for any event for which the Seller is
not responsible. Should the delay in delivery be the Seller’s responsibility, the
Buyer has the right to request the rescission of the contract only after a delay
of 90 (ninety) working days. The request for the rescission of the contract must
be sent by registered letter with return receipt and gives the Buyer the right
to demand only the return of any sum paid in advance. Except in the case of
wilful misconduct or gross negligence, the Buyer does not have any right to
make a claim for any damages against the Seller for delays in delivery or failure
to deliver goods, either in the case of rescission of the contract or if the same
remains valid. Partial deliveries are always allowed. All goods despatched by rail
or road will be freight collect. Goods shipped abroad by sea or by road will be
shipped in accordance with conditions agreed upon case by case, based on the
Incoterms 2023 approved by the International Chamber of Commerce.
Pursuant to art. 1523 of the Italian Civil Code, the Buyer acquires the ownership
of the material purchased only when the price has been paid in full.
Prices are ex-works. Any taxes, duty, and expenses of any kind regarding
shipping, delivery and/or transport of the products will be paid exclusively by the
Buyer. The amount invoiced will be calculated on the actual quantity of goods
supplied. The payment will be made at the Seller’s head office regardless of the
payment method used. The Seller has the right to decide whether to accept
promissory notes and/or bank cheques or drafts for the payment, without these
means of payment representing novation of the initial credit, being prejudicial
to the retention of title agreement, or implying any change in the exception to
territorial competence. Payments made to Agents, Representatives or subjects
other than the Seller will not be accepted, unless specific authorization in
writing has been given by the same in each case. For any delay in the payment,
even partial, arrears interest as established in art. 5 of Legislative Decree no.
231/2002 will be applied immediately. The Buyer will be considered insolvent
also after only one single instalment of the payment agreed has not been
received, and will no longer benefit from the terms. Without prejudice to any
other rights and actions, the Seller will have the right to demand full payment
from the Buyer of all other instalments still due. The Seller will also maintain the
right to consider the contract rescinded without any notice given (this clause
is to be considered a termination clause pursuant to art. 1456 of the Italian Civil
Code). The Seller will have the right to claim payment of damages, to demand
that any material delivered be returned, to cancel any other outstanding
contracts, and the Buyer will have no right to demand fees, compensation, or
to make any other claim.
The colour, thickness, shape, and application of the Seller’s material as shown in
leaflets, price lists, offers and any other kind of advertising material are merely
indicative and are not binding for the Seller, who reserves the right to change
the same to meet their own commercial and production requirements.
The Seller guarantees products are free from flaws and defects. This guarantee
is provided only for top-grade material, on which there is a 5% tolerance,
without prejudice to further tolerances provided for according to use; second
and third-grade material and material for stock is excluded from the guarantee.
Any possible differences in the colour shades and in the decoration patterns
represent an artistic trait of the ceramic material and must be considered
such. The hairline crackles (or craquelé) on the glazed surface are a feature
of ceramic art and will gradually disappear in time after suitable cleaning.
Neither the glaze quality nor the qualification of the material are affected by
these capillary surface crackles. Under the guarantee, the Buyer has the right
to have flawed material replaced; the Buyer does not have the right to request
the rescission of the contract or to claim damages. The ceramic material sent
to replace the flawed material will be considered in accordance with points 3, 4
and 5 above; transportation costs, insurance and laying remain at the Buyer’s
expense. The material replaced remains the property of the Seller until it is
paid in full, and must be returned to the factory of the same ex works within
thirty days of shipping of the new material. After this term, the material will be
invoiced to the Buyer at the top-grade price. This guarantee does not cover
material that has already been laid, even partially, and material that has been
treated with unsuitable products (e.g.: acid based solutions). The Seller is not
obliged to reimburse expenses relevant to the laying or removal of material
replaced or sent in replacement. No guarantee is given in relation to the
application of the ceramic material or the intended use of the same by the
Buyer, regardless of any suggestions the Seller may have given for the use of
the same. The guarantee does not cover third parties who may have received
the material from the Buyer, for whatever purpose or reason. For materials
delivered abroad, no guarantee is given on the possible non-respondence of
the material to the provisions of law in force in the foreign country where the
material has been sent, unless the Buyer requested special characteristics and
in the order confirmation the Seller specifically accepted the same in advance.
The limitations to the Seller’s responsibility do not apply in the case of wilful
misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Seller, pursuant to art. 1229
of the Italian Civil Code.
Defects and flaws must be reported to the Seller within the terms established
by art. 1495 of the Italian Civil Code, by registered letter with return receipt.
Except in the event of wilful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of
the Seller, the Buyer cannot claim compensation for any direct or indirect
damage related to the supply or lack of availability of the material during the
time required to replace the same under the guarantee, in accordance with
the above clause 7.
The Buyer cannot delay or suspend the payments for any reason whatsoever,
even when a claim has been made or dispute is in act; nor can the Buyer take
any action against the Seller until any existing debts have been paid in full.
The price of the material will be as indicated in the price list in force at the
date of the order. After order confirmation, the Seller reserves the right to
change the prices at any time in the case of an increase in the cost of raw
materials and/or labour that exceeds 10%.
Any amendments to these general conditions must be approved in writing
by the Seller.
All supplies of goods governed by these general conditions will be governed
by Italian law, with the exclusion of regulations on conflicting laws. The
1980 Vienna convention on the international sale of goods will not apply.
Any controversy regarding the supply of goods governed by these general
conditions will be referred exclusively to Italian law in the Court of Modena.
As an exemption to the above, the Seller reserves the right to take action, at
their exclusive discretion, before the legal authorities of the place where the
Buyer is domiciled or headquartered.