Cattelan Italia Италия Срок поставки 80 дней

Каталог Cattelan Italia: Dining Table , стр 156 с 358

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Spyder Keramik Premium
Philip Jackson - Paolo Cattelan | 2019
Tavolo con base in acciaio verniciato opaco nero, graphite, bianco, inox lucido, noce Canaletto, dark wenghè o
Rovere Heritage. Piano in ceramica Marmi nei colori Alabastro, Supreme, Ardesia, Golden Calacatta opaco, Golden
Calacatta lucido, Portoro opaco, Portoro lucido, Sahara Noir lucido, Emperador, Makalu, Breccia o Arenal con profilo
inferiore arrotondato e verniciato Brushed Bronze o Brushed Grey. Il piano ha lo spessore di 6cm.
Table with base in matt black, graphite or white painted steel, or polished stainless steel, or with wooden base in
Canaletto walnut, dark Wenghè or Heritage oak. Top in ceramic Marmi Alabastro, Supreme, Ardesia, matt Golden
Calacatta, glossy Golden Calacatta, matt Portoro, glossy Portoro, glossy Sahara Noir, Emperador, Makalu, Breccia or
Arenal with Brushed Bronze or Brushed Grey lacquered and rounded lower profile. Top thickness is 6cm.
top: 160x160
SPYDER KERAMIK PREMIUM table with alabastro ceramic top and
brushed bronze profile - WANDA chairs in soft leather 973 nero