Cattaneo Illuminazione Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Cattaneo Illuminazione: Today 2019, стр 37 с 75

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Luminosa ed appariscente, Mickey la lampada da
parete e plafone che, con il suo design armonioso
e divertente, illuminerà le stanze della tua casa
rendendole piacevoli e lucenti.
Bright and eye-catching, Mickey is a wall and
ceiling lamp with a funny and harmonious
design. It will light the rooms of your house up,
making them pleasant and shining.
Hell und auffällig, die Wand- und Deckenlampe
Mickey. Mit ihrem harmonischem und unterhaltsamen
Design werden alle Räume erhellt und glänzend
design by L. Cristiani