Sleeping Collection
The Cassina Perspective
Avant-gardism, authenticity, excellence and the combination of technological skill with local manual
expertise. Cassina’s identity is founded on these solid, shared values to express the best of Italian and
international design with a cohesive, recognisable and cultured approach. Through a unique weave
of words and actions, Cassina has successfully amalgamated culture, craftsmanship and industry,
reconciling tradition with research, rigour with emotion and uniqueness with experimentation, while
interpreting everyday trends thanks to its untiring work on aesthetics and codification. With this
free and pioneering spirit, the company based in Meda has anticipated the times for over 90 years,
blazing an original new trail - in terms of intuition and farsightedness - in the world of interior design
and architecture. In the 1950s Cassina helped drive the transition from handcraftsmanship to serial
production; it was the first company to involve the most enlightened designers and architects in exploring
the effects and influences of contemporary design and was the only company to innovate in all areas
of design. This is why Cassina’s products form part of the permanent collections of the world’s most
Avanguardia, autenticità, eccellenza e
connubio di capacità tecnologica e sapienza
manuale locale. L’identità di Cassina si è
costruita su valori solidi e condivisi, per
esprimere il meglio del design italiano e
internazionale con un linguaggio coerente,
riconoscibile, colto. Attraverso un intreccio
peculiare di gesti e parole, Cassina ha saputo
far interagire cultura, artigianato e industria,
conciliando memoria e ricerca, rigore ed
emozione, unicità e sperimentazione, e
interpretando le tendenze della quotidianità
Avant-garde, authenticité, excellence
et alliance de capacité technologique et de savoir
manuel local. L’identité de Cassina s’est bâtie sur
des valeurs solides et partagées, pour exprimer
le meilleur du design italien et international
grâce à un langage cohérent, reconnaissable
et cultivé. Par un mélange caractéristique de
gestes et de paroles, Cassina a su faire interagir
culture, artisanat et industrie, en combinant
mémoire et recherche, rigueur et émotion,
unité et expérimentation, tout en interprétant
les tendances du quotidien grâce à un travail
Avantgarde, Authentizität, Exzellenz und
die Kombination aus technologischer Fähigkeit
und lokaler Handwerkskunst. Die Identität der
Marke Cassina wurde auf soliden, geteilten Werten
aufgebaut, um das Beste des italienischen und
internationalen Designs mit einer kohärenten,
erkennbaren und kultivierten Sprache zum
Ausdruck zu bringen. Durch eine spezielle
Verflechtung von Gesten und Worten hat Cassina
es verstanden, Kultur, Handwerk und Industrie
zur Interaktion zu führen, wobei Erinnerung und
Recherche, Strenge und Emotion, Einzigartigkeit