Cassina Италия Срок поставки 180 дней

Каталог Cassina: Dining Collection 2024, стр 5 с 157

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Dining Collection
The Cassina Perspective
Avant-gardism, authenticity, excellence and the combination of technological skill with local
manual expertise. Cassina’s identity is founded on these solid, shared values to ex-press the best of
Italian and international design with a cohesive, recognisable and cultured approach. Cassina has
successfully amalgamated culture, craftsmanship and industry, reconciling tradition with research,
rigour with emotion and uniqueness with experimentation, while interpreting everyday trends
thanks to its untiring work on aesthetics and codification. For over 90 years, Meda’s pioneering, free-
spirited company has been ahead of its time, walking an unknown path, with intuition or perhaps
foresight, through the design and interior design worlds. Cassina, in fact, moved from artisan to
industrial production in the 50’s, and was the first company to involve some of the most renowned
designers and architects in its narration, inviting in new shapes, references and influences from
contemporary design. Cassina brings innovation in every step of the design process, defining novel
Avanguardia, autenticità, eccellenza e
connubio di capacità tecnologica e sapienza
manuale locale. L’identità di Cassina si è costruita
su valori solidi e condivisi, per esprimere il
meglio del design italiano e internazionale
con un linguaggio coerente, riconoscibile,
colto. Attraverso un intreccio peculiare di
gesti e parole, Cassina ha saputo far interagire
cultura, artigianato e industria, conciliando
memoria e ricerca, rigore ed emozione, unicità
e sperimentazione, e interpretando le tendenze
Avant-garde, authenticité, excellence et
alliance de capacité technologique et de savoir
manuel local. L’identité de Cassina s’est bâtie sur
des valeurs solides et partagées, pour exprimer
le meilleur du design italien et international grâce
à un langage cohérent, reconnaissable et cultivé.
Grâce à un agencement particulier de gestes
et de mots, Cassina a su faire agir entre eux
culture, artisanat et industrie, en alliant mémoire
et recherche, rigueur et émotion, unicité et
expérimentation, et interpréter les tendances de
Avantgarde, Authentizität, Exzellenz und
Vermählung von technologischer Kapazität und
lokaler manueller Kunstfertigkeit. Die Identität
von Cassina stützt sich auf solide und gemeinsame
Werte, um das Beste des italienischen Designs
mit einer kohärenten, wiedererkennbaren,
kultivierten Sprache auszudrücken. Über
eine besondere Verflechtung von Gesten und
Worten hat es Cassina verstanden, Kultur,
Handwerk und Industrie interagieren zu lassen,
Erinnerung und Forschung, Strenge und Emotion,